Thursday, July 28, 2011

Whew... Caught Up! AGAIN

Another large batch of posts were uploaded today!

I need to get back in the routine of updating them before I go to bed.

Day 208 - 7/27/11

Katelin was still sick today. I think her fever was pretty much gone by the time I took this picture but this has been her mood lately... just wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, looking pathetic.

Day 207 - 7/26/11

Katelin was very excited about something!

Unfortunately, she came down with a fever today. I think this is the first time she's ever really had a fever.

Day 206 - 7/25/11

Sorry, no picture today! Worked a long day and then forgot to take any pictures!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 205 - 7/24/11

Drew likes to play hide-and-seek with his plate..

Look.. see my neat-o blue plate?

I'm hiding it... no peaking!

Where'd it go???

Haha... here it is!!!!

Day 204 - 7/23/11

It was another long day on my own with the kids (thank you Dallas Summer Boat show!). After naps, we went to the library so Katelin could pick out some new books and DVDS (How to Dinosaurs Eat Their Food, How to Dinosaurs Get Well Soon, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Backyardagins were this weeks selections). Then it was on to Sonic for some ice cream. Earlier in the day, Katelin told me she wanted to go shopping at Sams... found out it was only so she could get some ice cream so I took her somewhere closer instead. They were having a car show so they had a couple bounce houses set up. This one was empty and just waiting for someone to bounce around.

Day 203 - 7/22/11

Today was a VERY eventful day! We started out going to Splish Splash Storytime (our Friday morning tradition). Then it was on to lunch with Sabina and her employees and some other friends. It was Royce's birthday and Sabina has carried on the tradition of going out for lunch to celebrate. Drew is teething and decided to scream pretty much the entire time. He didn't want to be held, he didn't want to sit in the highchair, he didn't want to walk around. He didn't need his diaper changed. He didn't want me, or Sabina. He didn't want to play with ANYTHING (crayons, pasta, key chains, etc). He didn't want to eat or drink. He just wanted to SCREAM as loud as he could! I'm lucky to have great friends that I could be outside with Drew and I knew that Katelin was being taken care of. My food was boxed up and I ate it later. {Little} Lindsey came home with us and Katelin had a nice play date with her. She was very excited about it and was SOOOO happy that I didn't make her take a nap. I stopped at the drugstore and picked up some pain reliever for Drew and gave it to him before we headed home. He wasn't happy the entire way home. Every now and then, Lindsey was successful in getting him to settle down a little bit. Once we got home, I put him in his crib and fell asleep right away. After his nap, he was fine (according to Lindsey, he was a "perfect baby"). We picked up Sabina and the 5 of us headed to the boat show to see Chris. They had a rock-wall next to our booth that I really wanted Katelin to try but she wasn't heavy enough. They said if she let go of the wall and no one was hanging on to her, she'd end up at the top! That didn't stop us from helping her up a little bit though (sans harness that would send her flying)!

I'm pretty sure Drew would have scaled the thing if we let him... he's definitely more of a climber than Katelin ever was!

Lindsey got to climb for real and had a blast. She made it up a couple of the sides but then she got too tired.

Day 202 - 7/21/11

Story time! Katelin wanted to read the Noah's Ark book she picked out from the library.

Day 201 - 7/20/11

Argh.. another day with no pictures!

Day 200 - 7/19/11

Katelin got this cool pop-bead kit for her birthday from her friend Hadley. There are lots of small parts so I only let her play with it when Drew isn't around. When just Katelin, Drew and I are home, we have lunch, I put Drew down for his nap, and then Katelin and I play for a little bit before she goes up for a nap. Sometimes we play with Play-doh, puzzles, games, or the beads. We make lots of bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, anklets, and a bunch of other random stuff. Today I made an '8' but Katelin thought it looked more like a mask.

Super Katelin! (Not so super that she didn't spill ketchup on her shirt though.. yep, she's MY daughter!)

Day 199 - 7/18/11

Drew was working on his fork skills tonight...

Day 198 - 7/17/11

With all this heat lately, the kids needed some wet activities! Chris was working the boat show and I didn't feel like taking them to the pool by myself so I turned on the sprinklers and let them run around for a while.

We ended up meeting Sabina for lunch at Snookies at the Shops of Highland Village so after a store or two, we let the kids play in the fountains. They had a blast. I managed to stay dry but Sabina wasn't so lucky!

Day 197 - 7/16/11

We've been hitting the library on Fridays or Saturdays this summer. Katelin usually picks out 2 DVDs and 2 books. The Denton libraries have a great selection of kid-friendly DVDs. She usually picks out some NickJr show DVD but at least they are different every week.

Doesn't she look cute walking out with her book??? <3 it!

Day 196 - 7/15/11

Check out my little Jr Rangers...

Sabina signed them up for the Jr Rangers program with the Texas Rangers (MLB). They package included a hat, a VIP pass to run the actual bases after certain games, a cute backpack that looks like a jersey, and some tickets and other ball-park freebies. The hats are pretty big and I'm probably going to be sporting Drew's for awhile. It has 'Jr Ranger' on the back but I'm pretty sure my ever-present ponytail will cover it up :)

Thanks Sabina!

Day 195 - 7/14/11

Look.. I do exist! I'm just always the one taking the pictures and I'm the least photogenic person I know (okay, maybe I know a couple others that are worse, but not by much!).

I worked all day today and then it was off to a Metro Moms MNO. I didn't see the kids today so no pictures of them. This MNO was another raffle one. I was #73 (out of 110) so a lot of the good (expensive) stuff was already gone. I ended up getting a new diaper bag. It is a Timi & Leslie 'Dawn' (for the style conscious folks that read my blog... anyone???). I'm not really into fancy bags, but it looked nice. It has a lot of "goodies" inside like a insulated bottle pouch, a changing pad, a separate clutch, and I'm sure there was more in there, but I don't remember what! I mainly like it because it doesn't look like a diaper bag so after the kids are grown more and I don't have to cart around a giant bag of their stuff, I can use it as a large purse or a small tote bag.

Ohh.. and look, it matches my shirt! I've very stylish! (umm... okay, back to the real world now!)

See look... famous people use these bags! (I have the big giant lavender tote too! Another Metro Moms giveaway)

Day 194 - 7/13/11

My kids LOVE Arby's. I'm pretty sure it is Katelin's favorite restaurant. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons she loves it so much if for the turnovers. Yummy! She knows if she eats her sandwich, she gets to split a turnover with Mommy (or Grandma, depending on who takes her).

Drew was sharing with Daddy tonight...

Day 193 - 7/12/11

We let Brian & Robyn borrow Drew's life jacket for their trip to the coast next week. Brian decided he needed a little more floatation while bowling.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 192 - 7/11/11

Drew got his bowling ball bank from Grandma & Grandpa today. Katelin got a blue one a couple years ago.

Day 191 - 7/10/11

We went for a quick dip in the pool before getting cleaned up for the day. The kids LOVE the water!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 190 - 7/9/11

We put the kids to bed and hung out in our driveway with our neighbors. The couple that lives next door to us has a son a month younger than Drew so we have a lot in common. Fun night!

Day 189 - 7/8/11

I really was going to take a picture today but my camera was full!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Whew... Caught Up!

I posted a lot tonight... I fell behind on updating the blog.
I had pictures for pretty much all the days but some were on the phone, some on the camera, some in my email... Yikes! What a mess.
I finally took a little time to get it all sorted out and posted.

Day 188 - 7/7/11

Had a little time with the kids after I got home from work. Snapped a quick picture of Drew during dinner. Don't worry, that is chicken on his face, not a giant booger!

Day 187 - 7/6/11

Wednesdays are not good days for me! I get up early and I barely see the kids... grrrr. I'll try to do better next week!

Day 186 - 7/5/11

Another fun day with Grandma & Grandpa! They had story time in a makeshift tent! They had a blast.

Day 185 - 7/4/11

We took Katelin bowling today and Drew got to roll a couple balls as well...

After bowling, the kids took a nap and then it was off to our friend's 4th of July Party. They had a little John Deere that Kaelin loved to drive around. She did very good although she did try to run into a few things! Drew was cute too, as soon as she would step on the pedal, he would grab onto the handle! He knows what is coming!!!!

Day 184 - 7/3/11

Another day with no picture...

Day 183 - 7/2/11

Happy 4th of July Celebration Day! Lake Ray Robert's fireworks were tonight. We took the houseboat out with a bunch of friends. We had a nice group of friends.. some co-workers, some bowling friends. some mommy friends...

It was a great night except the generator didn't work so we had no air conditioning. It got REALLY hot in the cabin so the only choice to do was go swimming!

Day 182 - 7/1/11

Today was our first Splish Splash Storytime for the summer!

The library puts it on at the local water park Fridays in the summer at 10am. Everyone sits around listening to stories and songs for about 20 minutes and then they open up the toddler area of the park for about 25 minutes. This year, it is going to be tough to get Katelin out of the water... because they open it up for free, we have to leave before the park opens for the day at 11.

Day 181 - 6/30/11

Grandma and Grandpa always have fun projects at their house!

Katelin is showing how to build a cabinet door....

First you put glue in the groove...

Then you put the pieces together and clamp it really good!
A little hammering doesn't hurt...

And if your little brother helps with the hammering, even better!

Day 180 - 6/29/11

So I forgot to take a picture again.... grrr! I'm making up for it with pictures from 6/30...

The crazy kids with their pirate hats..