Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119 - 4/29/11

Katelin had her 3 year check-up today. She's doing well. 31# and 37.25" (54% & 57%).
Dr Goff also said she talks like a 4 or 5 year old :). We knew she had a great vocabulary but it is nice to know that it wasn't just us being biased!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118 - 4/28/11

Today was a long day! Left for work around 6:40a. Worked until about 1:30p and then headed to Arlington or the Rangers game. My work ha an offsite there this afternoon. The game started at 1 but we had to finish up some stuff before we could go.
We watched the Rangers lose (boo) and then it was if to Addison for the MetroMoms Best & Highest event. I drew 82 (out of 109) in the raffle so I didn't have too many choices. I ended up getting another portable highchair and the swag seen in the picture.
I got home a little after 9:30 (after stopping to get the kids some milk) and then it was back to work until 12:30a. Yuck!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 117 - 4/27/11

Happy 3rd Birthday Katelin!
She got some DVDs, a Cabbage Patch Kid Doll, and Roller Skates from us. The CPK actually came from a friend who collected them. She had a bunch of them NIB and was giving them away! This one was from 1985!
Katelin loved it all, especially her skates!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 116 - 4/26/11

Today is the last day Katelin will be 2! I can't believe she'll be 3 tomorrow!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 114- 4/24/11

Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny brought Katelin a telescope (among other things) and she was so excited!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 113 - 4/23/11

Drew at the Great Cloth Diaper Change. Katelin went to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt with grandma & grandpa while I took Drew to the record setting event. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 112 -4/22/11

Katelin is checking out the goodies she got at her first egg hunt of the year. This was the Metro Moms event at the zoo.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 111 - 4/21/11

Katelin loves her "How Do Dinos... " books. Tonight it was "How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 108 - 4/18/11

Go Rangers!!!!!

Day 107 - 4/17/11

What a day!!!! Katelin's birthday party was today so of course, I was in a frantic mode all weekend. I was really trying to get everything done with minimal help from my parents this time. I sent Katelin over to their house after her nap on Saturday and my mom came over to help make her (famous) tuna macaroni salad but other than that, I thought we could handle it. I got up Sunday morning to finish cleaning the house. Chris got the kids' breakfast and was going to take them outside so they could swing (and so he could get some work done out there). That is where the "excitement" started... Chris did his inhaler (he's had some respiratory issues since the end of last year) and the next thing I know, he has fallen onto the tile floor! Back of his head first. Evidently, he passed out for a moment after doing the inhaler. He hit his head pretty hard and busted it open a little. I got him a bag of frozen blueberries (where were the peas???) pretty quick but he already had a golf-ball sized lump on the back of his head! I got him a gauze pad and then a real ice pack. He called his mom to take him to the ER to make sure everything was okay and I called my parents to watch the kids. We had no clue how soon they'd see him, when he'd be back, if he'd make it back in time for the party.... it was a little added stress that I didn't really need to deal with!

At the ER, they got Chris in right away and ran a bunch of tests. Everything seemed fine. Seems that light-headed-ness is common with Advair. They told him to continue taking it but to do so sitting down from now on. He got home a little before noon.. just as I was pretty much wrapping up all the stuff that had to get done. We got all cleaned up and I was putting the last touches on the food when the guests started arriving. Just in time :)

We had a crazy house full of people.... lots of kids (I think we ended up with 16 kids and about 28 adults) but it was worth it to see Katelin so happy. She loved having her "friends" over!

We changed up our usual "party" menu... this time we had pulled pork, brats, hot dogs, tuna mac salad, fruit salad, beans & cornbread, chips & queso, and then cake. The cake wasn't perfect but it looked good. Katelin picked out the butterfly plates (over the princess plates!) so I got the Wilton butterfly cake pan and went to work. I tried to mimic one of the butterflies on the plate. The colors were a little more vibrant than I wanted but it was close.

Katelin is standing up to the counter on the AWESOME "learning tower" that my parents built. It is an adjustable platform that she can stand on safely to help out at the counter. She usually stands on a chair but I'm always worried that she'll fall off or tip the chair over (and she almost did once!). This is the "real" one..

These are the plans they used to build it..

Day 106 - 4/16/11

Jen, Scott, & Zoe flew in this morning. Katelin got to meet her newest cousin. She was looking forward to it all week and was very excited when Aunt Jen, Uncle Scott, and Zoe finally arrived! Zoe was not as excited and did a lot of crying when these "strangers" held her. She's so tiny! It is hard to remember Katelin & Drew being so little. There is a big difference between 9 pounds and 20+ pounds!

Katelin wanted to hold Zoe so someone told her that she needed to hold Zoe's head... of course, at just under 3 years old, she doesn't really know what that really means so Katelin put her hand on TOP of Zoe's head. :) Too cute!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 days, no pictures???

I will be posting day 106 & 107 pictures tomorrow. I'm too worn out to do it tonight!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 105 - 4/15/11

Drew playing with one of his birthday presents. The famous helicopter.

Day 104 - 4/14/11

Opps.. another day with no pictures.. I'll do better next week.. I promise!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 102 - 4/12/11

Sorry... No picture today :(. I'll try to make it up and post 2 tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101 - 4/11/11

In honor of the kids birthdays..this is the canvas hanging in our hall. The picture was taken about a year ago. Love it

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100 - 4/10/11

Wow... I made it to 100 days! Happy Birthday to Grandma Peggy.

Today we planted a new tree where we had to take out one that was dead when we bought the house. 45 gallon Oak. This thing is huge!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98 - 4/8/11

Okay... Who is this big girl and what happened to my baby???
It was another nice day which meant after naps, we went out to play.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 97 - 4/7/11

After I got home from work, the kids took a ride down the street. Katelin rode her tricycle and Drew was cruisin' in style while I pushed him in the Cozy Coupe :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 93 - 4/3/11

My laptop... It was about all I saw today! We had a deadline at work and all my coding was due tonight. I worked a lot of hours the past 8 days. I'm worn out... Just in time to start the week! Blah.

Day 92 - 4/2/11

Yep... They really do love each other! :)